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Webinar: State of Nurse Mentorship
February 13, 2025 at 1:30pmET
Mentorship has been widely valued in nurse professional development, in fact, we see 97% of respondents from Lead for Care's 2024 national survey agree with this statement.
To our excitement, we also are seeing almost double the number of organizations investing in nurse mentorship.
While this is fantastic news, only 20% of organizations that are investing in mentorship programs are integrating mentorship into a key strategy that will bolster new nurse retention and equip future nurse leaders for success. What is the strategy 80% of organizations aren't leveraging to unlock retention savings?
Find out on February 13th at 1pmET to hear the results of LFC's Winter 2024 Survey on Nurse Mentorship. During the 30-minute webinar, participants will learn:
How much nurses value mentorship
The key strategy organizations should be utilizing to improve retention of new nurses and first-time nurse managers
Best practices to deploy an effective mentorship program for these audiences
Register HERE.
Becker's Article: Nurse Manager Succession Planning is Broken
Becker's Healthcare article discusses how Lead for Care is used in nurse manager succession planning.
View short videos of thought leaders sharing on a range of topics that are top of mind for the healthcare industry.
Nurse burnout has been a top of mind concern for health systems for some time; COVID is bringing new urgency to the importance of hardwiring nurse resiliency. Unfortunately, health systems often miss the crucial first step in building a culture that can support resilience. Learn how top performing health systems are re-thinking their approach to enabling the resilient nurse.
Organizational Development (OD) plays a vital role in health system success; in fact, organizations that invest in OD during times of economic crisis have historically weathered the downturns more successfully. Unfortunately, health system OD teams struggle to reach a constituency that truly could benefit from leadership development: frontline nurses. Learn the structural barriers OD has historically faced in reaching frontline nurses, and how best practice organizations are fixing this gap.
Previously Recorded Webinars
Nurse Manager Succession Planning is Broken: Here's How You Can Fix it
Traditionally, nurse managers are not trained in leadership skills prior to taking the role. This gap in skillset leads to a host of downward impacts on the organization in the form of retention, staff experience, patient outcomes, and financials. However, developing key leadership skills in nurses while they are at the bedside, provides immediate leadership confidence that bolsters career clarity, retention, and patient safety.
The recording to the webinar highlights how organizations are proactively developing leadership skills that can be used while at the bedside, and sets a foundation for future nurse manager success. Best of all, it has mentorship built-in and has been shown to drive incredibly high ROI!
Passcode: F^pJ5%8k
Moving Beyond Retention: Empower Nurses Today
Nurses who have developed leadership skills, while still in a bedside role, are shown to provide better patient outcomes (lowered HAIs, shortened LOS, improved patient experience, etc). Research has also proven the positive impact nurse mentorship programs have on the nursing enterprise (like improved retention, lower burnout, etc). LFC shares how one hospital coupled leadership skill development with mentorship for their nurses and the cascading impact seen post-program.
Recording here
Passcode: F*WMkFm0
Upskilling the Charge Nurse
While the actual role of the charge nurse can vary dramatically by organization, the role charge nurses play is vital in unit success, including retention. The problem is, charge nurses are almost always promoted based on their clinical proficiency rather than their leadership potential. In fact, 93% of charge nurses don’t receive mentors to help prepare them for leadership prior to their role. Imagine how much more impactful your charge nurses could be if armed with key leadership skills like self-awareness, conflict management, communication, and so on? In this webinar, Lead for Care dives into how organizations can provide key skills that will help your charge nurses thrive, at a price point that reflects today’s economic realities.
Recording here
Passcode: .yvmB17@
State of Mentorship 2-Part Series
As health systems rally to stabilize the nursing workforce, many organizations are revisiting mentorship as a retention tool. Structured mentorship programs lead to lower burnout, increased joy at work, improved peer support, and growth and confidence in a multitude of skills.
In Part 1, Lead for Care shares results from national survey highlighting:
Why urgency around the staffing crisis is accelerating
Characteristics of successful (and unsuccessful) programs
Immediate opportunities for enhancement and development
The impact of existing programs on key nursing metrics like retention, engagement, and likelihood to stay.
In Part 2, we will share the case study of how one organization is building a scalable mentorship program for nurses. We will highlight key lessons learned and insight into the overall impact on participating nurses.
Part 1 recording here: Passcode: ?y#Z0@bq
Part 2 recording here. Passcode: +u1Qgv#F
Mentorship as a Strategic Retention Lever
While broadly deployed across other sectors of the US economy, formal mentorship programs in nursing are unfortunately not as common as one may think. While preceptorships fill a necessary role in guiding early career nurses through their clinical education, formal mentors provide both career advice and emotional support, something that preceptors may or may not be prepared to provide. As hospitals turn to building long-term retention strategies, research suggests that formal mentorship in nursing may be an untapped opportunity, and a necessary tool in every nursing organization's retention toolkit. Recording here. Passcode: .v4JY#j#
Future-Proof Your Nursing Workforce
The staffing crisis is everywhere. Alarming research published argues that if we don’t future-proof our clinicians, 75% will leave the profession. Nursing leaders are under intense pressure to source strategies that support recruitment and retention, while optimizing clinical outcomes. At Lead for Care, we believe the staffing crisis holds an opportunity to rethink bedside nursing and future-proof the nursing enterprise. In this webinar, we share a key recruitment and retention strategy that not only will help in the short-term, but also future-proof your nursing workforce strategy. Recording here. Passcode is: ?9q=ypP4
Arming Nurses with Skills to Improve Patient Experience: Lessons from the Pandemic
Among the many challenges COVID has generated for healthcare leaders, stabilizing the patient experience sits at the top of the executive agenda. To help leaders choose the right strategies for optimizing their experience initiatives, Lead for Care examined the most recent HCAHPS data to better understand the factors that most strongly shaped the patient experience during the first wave of the pandemic. Unsurprisingly, nursing sits at the heart of the story, but in ways that may surprise you. Recording here. Passcode is: SQT6?bGW
Equipping the Nurse Manager to Mitigate Turnover in an Era of Shortage
The war for talent has hit health systems hard. Best-practice hospitals have learned the keys to sustainable retention and consistently low turnover costs: hardwiring a resilient culture and arming first-time nurse managers with non-clinical leadership skills. Recording here. Passcode is: 7Vtu*7W%
Nurse Wellbeing and Resilience: 7 Steps to Hardwire a Culture of Resilience
The resilience and well-being of nurses is at the top of the executive agenda: from the CEO Coalition announced in spring of 2021, to data from national surveys of C-suite strategic priorities, it’s clear that industry executives are committed to investing in the safety and well-being of the nursing workforce. Recording here. Passcode is: sM9y!Q8y
The Necessary Nurse Leadership Competency Hospitals Haven't Yet Deployed for Nurse Wellbeing
Over the last year, nursing leaders, from the CNO to unit-level managers, have been overwhelmed ensuring the physical safety of their teams, maintaining adequate staffing levels, and supporting mass vaccinations. Now, as health systems ramp up efforts to reinvigorate the frontline, it is vital for health systems to ensure nurse leaders are equipped with tools and resources to easily spot and mitigate burnout among their team members. Listen to this 30 minute webinar where we will highlight how organizations can rapidly arm nursing leaders with key concepts to more effectively identify and intervene at signs of burnout, all while fostering a culture of resilience at your health system. Recording here. Passcode is: r@5.jQ#b
Safeguarding Nurse Wellbeing: Strategic Advice and Practical Tips from Three Leading Health Systems
In April Lead for Care convened a panel of thought leaders from Intermountain Healthcare, Norton Healthcare, and INTEGRIS Health to discuss their strategic plans and practical ideas for stabilizing the post-COVID nursing workforce. Listen to this 30 minute webinar where we will highlight their respective strategies, and provide practical guidance and tips. Recording here Passcode: e9I@cQ1L
2021 Nurse Resiliency Work Group
March and April 2021
As health systems turn to the hard work of post-COVID workforce stabilization, nursing leaders are seeking strategies that will optimize nurse well-being, while also ensuring nurses are well-equipped to battle burnout and extreme workplace stress. To help find practical answers and advice, in April of 2021 Lead for Care convened a panel of thought leaders from Intermountain Healthcare, Norton Healthcare, and INTEGRIS Health to discuss their strategic plans and practical ideas for moving forward. To explore each of our conversations with the three health systems, please click the links to access the recorded Livestreams.
Intermountain Healthcare: Recording here
Lead for Care: Recording here. Passcode: pWQ4G40$
Norton Healthcare and INTEGRIS Health: Recording here Passcode: 3Cc?S2FU
A Next Generation Model for Battling Nurse Burnout
With COVID infections spiking nationwide, nursing leaders are struggling to protect the physical and emotional well-being of their frontline nurses. Health systems have responded by investing in largely self-directed tools designed to battle burnout and improve resilience: things like yoga, meditation, gift cards, mindfulness, and so on. While these tools are necessary, and send an important signal to your staff, most health systems will never truly get ahead of burnout since they are missing a simple, yet critical first step on their nurse burnout defense strategy.
The good news: there is a solution that overcomes these weaknesses and sets health systems on a sustainable path to preventing burnout, not just treating it. Join LFC Dec 10th for a 30min complimentary webinar on "A Next Generation Model for Battling Nurse Burnout". Recording here.
Two-Part Proactive Nurse Leadership Development Webinar Series
Part 1: COVID Is The Catalyst to Reinvigorate Your Nursing Workforce Strategy
Part 2: Accelerating Bedside Leadership Skills- How to Build a Bench of Nurse Managers in 6 months
For the typical health system, approximately 40% of their workforce are made up of nurses and 30% of that total are early career nurses. Yet health systems have historically struggled to engage, retain, and develop this population in an effective and efficient way. In this two part webinar, learn how COVID is actually the catalyst for re-thinking how we engage and develop this hidden pool of talent, how you can distill key frontline nursing leadership skills into early career nurses, and how this ultimately helps defend against nurse turnover. Part 1 Recording here. Password:LFCLeaders!20 Part 2 Recording here. Password: vkw80U!^
The Coming Wave of COVID-Driven Nurse Burnout
As COVID wreaks havoc with health system operations, strategy, and finances, the impact of the virus on frontline nurses is enormous, exacerbating already significant concerns around burnout. While burnout is a complex issue with many contributing factors, research has proven that personal resilience is key to resisting burnout. Perhaps most important: resilience can be trained. Learn how your organization can proactively instill key resilience concepts into the frontline, in real-time. Recording Here; Password: Rv&0XQ95
Mentoring the Next Generation Nurse Leader
Health Systems often fail to maximize one of the most powerful levers for building a thriving nurse culture: mentorship. In this 30min webinar, Lead for Care will share how best practice health systems are deploying next generation mentorship to instill key leadership concepts into the frontline and build a robust bench of future-ready nurse managers. Recording here , Password: LFCMentor1!